Social Model Of Dementia Research Paper

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Dementia Dementia: The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. These changes are often small to start with, but for someone with dementia they have become severe enough to affect daily life. A person with dementia may also experience changes in their mood or behaviour. The key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia are, • Frontal Lobe: This is the part of the brain that controls behaviour, movement, personality and the interpretation of what is around us. • Parietal Lobe: This is the part of the brain that controls the language we use, special awareness and recognition of places, objects and people. • Occipital Lobe: This is the part…show more content…
This interferes with the memory, behaviour, reasoning and planning. • The social model of dementia is the loss or limitation of opportunities to Take part in the community on an equal level with others because of physical and social barriers and refers to being disabled as having an impairment defined as the loss or limitation of physical, mental or sensory function on a long-term or permanent basis. It is important that dementia is viewed as a disability, this helps people get the help they need, some people who have dementia have difficulties in day to day life. Memory loss can affect patients as they may forget to do important things like taking medication or personal hygiene and possibly even eating. Dementia being viewed as a disability may help people get funding for the help they need. The most common causes of dementia are: • Stroke: Sometimes dementia is the result of a vascular (blood vessel) episode such as a stroke. When an individual suffers a stroke, a portion of the brain that controls the mental, behavioural or physical body functions may be damaged. 80% of cases were caused by high blood pressure, smoking, a fat stomach, poor diet and lack of exercise. Another 10% could be attributed to…show more content…
It is not necessarily to think that people with dementia are always forgetful, like, people with Frontal-temporal dementia are very less forgetful than Alzheimer disease. Their memory remains intact but their personality and behaviour noticeably changes. Dementia with Lewy bodies interrupts the brain’s normal functioning and affects the person’s memory, concentration and speech skills. It has similar symptoms to Parkinson’s disease such as tremors, slowness of movement and speech difficulties. People with vascular dementia may suffer from incontinence or seizure where other types of dementia may not affect those. However level of ability and disability depend on individual’s age and condition of dementia. People who are living with dementia in earlier age such as 60’s-70 are less dependable than people living with dementia at the age or over 70’s or 80’s. People have different stamina in different ages. So, their ability and disability fluctuated and level of support are varied as well. Negative attitudes and behaviours can have a very bad effect on someone with dementia. Someone with this disease needs stimulation and encouragement to live with dementia without support the disease can get steadily worst, the Alzheimer’s society have a big impact on the research and teaching people about dementia this means its more recognizable to

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