Sociological Perspective: School Girl Attacks

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Sociological Perspective SOC 100 June 27, 2013 Sociological Perspective In the video “School girl attacks”, a young Middle Eastern girl was attacked by men on motorcycles; she was not doing anything wrong, simply on her way to school when these men threw some clear liquid on her, it turns out that it was acid. The school girl believes that her attackers were the Military, in the video it was sub “the enemy”. From the Conflict Perspective, there is a lot of tension in the Middle East; these attacks are causing tension between the citizens and the military, thus increasing the violence in the Middle East. Examples of these tensions would be the fact that we have acid thrown onto girls, causing their arms and faces to burn, and at times causing them to go blind. The victims are young Middle Eastern girls who simply want to better their lives and get an education. It is clear to see that with the conflict in the Middle East, it is unnecessary for any more added violence. The violence is being blamed on the Military or as they are called “the enemy”. The principle form the video said “they are still scared, but they are still going to teach.” Also stated in the video “there is a strong desire to learn, but it is mixed with fear.” it is clear to see that girls, a woman getting an education in the Middle East is…show more content…
The Taliban group is all about power and they use their power to control the school system. In their culture, girls are expected to stay at home, and take care of the children and house. They are not allowed to attend school, only the boys are; the boys are to get their education, work and provide for their family. These girls have the right to an education and even though this is a third world country they are making baby steps onto moving forward. The girls have dreams and determination and it is just sad that their dreams are being

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