Sonnet 18 vs Sonnet 13

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Melih Afacan English 2 Final Draft 6/13/2011 LOVE AND DESIRE Sonnet 18, one of the most famous of Shakespeare's sonnets, was written to illustrate his love and adoration, like Sonnet 130. The theme of both sonnets is love. In sonnet 18 the way his love is expressed would have been traditional, and sonnet 130 expresses his love in a way that would have been unconventional for his time. He appears to love the subject of "Shall I compare thee" unconditionally, idolizing not only her beauty, but her temperament also. Sonnet 18 is a tribute, with Shakespeare all but worshiping the subject, which would have been traditional content of a love sonnet. Although "My mistress' eyes" does hold some traditional aspects, such as the image of nature, instead of comparing the subject to it Shakespeare instead takes this basis of a traditional sonnet and inverts it. Shakespeare also takes on the theme of scorning such traditional sonnets that would hold false comparisons between the beauty of nature and the true beauty of the beloved. The rhyming couplets in the two sonnets hold different purposes; in Sonnet 130 the couplet serves to reveal the true meaning behind Shakespeare's seemingly harsh words, whereas in Sonnet 18 it serves as a conclusion. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, Thou art more lovely and more temperate". The first few lines of this sonnet place vivid images in the readers mind about a beautiful and sweet tempered person. Most readers believe this person to be a beautiful woman because of the preconceived notions about the dynamics of love. However, love had countless forms then as it still does today. Every fair from fair sometime declines, “By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd, But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou awest, Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time

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