Special Admissions Case Study

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In the 1970s, the medical school of University of California at Davis had a regular admissions program as well as a special admissions program for applicants who categorized themselves to be in a minority group or was "economically and/or educationally disadvantaged." In the regular admissions program, candidates were required to have a grade point average of above 2.5 to be considered. Some of the qualified were picked for an interview. After the interview, the admissions committee rated each candidate a benchmark score. The benchmark score took in consideration the interview's evaluation, the candidate's grade point average in science courses as well as all courses taken, scores on the Medical College Admission Test, recommendation letters…show more content…
The fault in special admissions programs is that they will us e skin color as a more important factor that academic and personal merit. Thus, those who deserve advancement may not receive it, due to affirmative action and the associated reverse discrimination. By doing so, the various ethnic groups will be di vided and possibly end up competing. Another problem with the special admissions program is that it does not take into account the disadvantaged who are in the majority, not the minority. And finally, it is seen as charity to the minorities by many individuals and civil rights groups. Powell did not agree completely that all racial classifications were unconstitutional. He did think that affirmative action, when it considered race, was okay. He demonstrated this when he voted on this point with Justices Brennan, Marshal, White, and Harry A. Blackmun. After eight months, a vote of 5-4 decided that Bakke be admitted to the medical school at Davis. The decision on the constitutional issue was that a numerical quota was unconstitutional unless it was used to right a previous discrimination. However, using race and religion as a plus in educational admissions was deemed
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