Stanley Milgram Essay

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Stanley Milgram Obedience is an essential instinct. Stanley Milgram’s essay, “The Perils of Obedience,” shows his us that humans will basically do anything they are told to and he tries to figure out why this is. Milgram proposes that people feel responsible for carrying out the wishes of an authority figure, but they do not feel responsible for the actual actions they are performing. He decides that the increasing division of labor in society encourages people to focus on a smaller task and to avoid responsibility for anything that they do not directly control. Conservative philosophers debate that the very basics of society are endangered by rebellion, though humanists strain the importance of a singular conscience. Conservative can be defined as “holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in politics or religion.” Most conservative humans follow strict traditions and structure. “Conservative philosophers argue that the very fabric of society is threatened by disobedience, and even when the act ordered by authority is wrong, it is better to carry out the act than to wrench the structure of authority.” When it comes to obedience to authority, conservatives prefer to follow rules and consistent behavior. Obedience is heavily influenced by both external and internal factors, such as personal beliefs and overall personality. Human obedience to authority has taken away their freedom to decide what right and wrong. This is when being obedient is more important than their own values and they would obey orders even though they know the devastation or the affliction of pain and suffering it will cause on others. Most of their values and acts of morality come from their religion. If the experiment was actually happening, the conservative conductors would have killed innocent people just for following their
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