Structural Family Therapy

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The Systemic and Individual approach have both similarities and differences in treatments for clients. They both are interested in a clinets life story and agree that behavior affects both clients and those around them (Corey, 2017). However, the System appraoch finds that exploring family systems is more valuable than exploring an individuals experiances and perceptions. The systemic approach doesn't believe that change can occur unless the family system is altered. This is done by encouraging family memebers to attend therapy sessions with an individual. During family sessions, relationships within the family struture is identified and the root of behavior problems is traced to the deficit within that system. The Systemic approach also focuses…show more content…
The systemic appraoch spends more time investigating how behavior patterns serve others, how it distracts them from forming more meaningful realtionships, and how behvaior reflects the need for a larger adjustment (Corey, 2017). Family Systems theroy is part of the Systemic approach and can be best understood when you have a foundation of other theraputic appraoches that is used within the pratice of Family Systems Theroy. Structural-Strategic Family therapy was first identified as Structural Family Therapy. It presented the belief that in order to understand and change a clients behavior, then the family structure and patterns must be understood and altered (Corey, 2017). Structural Family Therapy aimed to reduce dysfunction and change behaviors by addressing the family system. As Structural Family Therapy gained popularity another model that was simiar was also identified. Both modles became interlocked into one and the name changed to Structual-Strategic Approach. The Structual-Strategic Appraoch continued to reguarded the family sysem and how it influences an individuals'…show more content…
Experiential Family Systems Therapy also identifies the importance of teaching families how to encourage and support one anothers individualism. During therapy a therapist must be genuine, collaborative, and rely less on techniques and more on their own awarenss (Berdondini, et, at., 2012). Multipgenerational Family Therapy is another theraputic treatment within the Family Systems theory, it investigates and identifies generalional roles in a family system. Murray Bowen, the founder of this therapy, identifies that emotional distress is often passed through generations (Corey, 2017). He further states that behaviors cannot be corrected without first changing family members (Corey, 2017). Murray Bowen found that differentitation to self was important in therapy, but in order to achive a high level of self differentitaion, patterns that have been set across generations must be identified and changed. Virginia Satir, like Murray Bowen, found that family generations often facilitate problems due to unhealthy interpersonal realtionship patterns (Corey,

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