Summary: Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography BUS 600 Management Communications with Technology Tools Instructor: Yamil Guevara January 12, 2015 Annotated Bibliography Choi, S., & Rainey, H.G. (2010). Managing diversity in U.S. federal agencies: Effects of diversity and diversity management on employee perceptions of organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 70(1), 109-121. Retrieved from Diversity is needed in the work place in order to have some type of organizational management. Diversity has increased in the American work force with a greater access to jobs minorities and women. Equal employment opportunities (EEO) are offered in Public organizations and they are committed more to workforce…show more content…
Dowling, Donald C.,, Jr. (2014). CROSS-BORDER DIVERSITY INITIATIVES FOR RECRUITING AND RETENTION. GPSolo, 31(2), 68-69. Retrieved from Diversity plays a huge role in U.S. domestic human resources and employment law compliance. Members from different parts of the world that belong to an International project team can come across misunderstanding because of cultural differences. The West Europe district with different work styles and attitudes can diverge across parts of Europe. Understanding sessions can focus on addressing the problems dealing with attitudes. Diversity was introduced to all over the world to prevent discrimination and harassment. Kilbride, K. (1997). Managing cultural diversity in the work place. Tribune Business Weekly, 7(50), 1. Retrieved from…show more content…
A woman walked around her work place placing sticky notes on the backs of her co-workers. The idea of the woman doing so was for her co-workers to guess what the sticky notes said that where on some ones back based on how they were treated in the work place. People thought that what she was doing was funny at first and they took it lightly. The work force is often comprised by diversity against race, color, ethnicities, and people with disabilities. Pearce,John A.,,II. (1994). Dealing with religious diversity in the work place: A managerial guide and religious calendar for 1994. S.A.M.Advanced Management Journal, 59(1), 4. Retrieved from Religion plays a role in diversity in the work place. Employees request time off due religious reasons. Prayer and fasting can be observed by an employee and not affect their job duties. There are calendars available for employers to view also so they will know if those days for the faithful are required to miss work during the designated holy
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