Summary Of Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Book Night begins in Transylvania, a small town in Sighet, now Romania. It is about the Holocaust time when the Nazis targeted the Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the disabled for persecution. Anyone that resisted the Nazi’s was sent to forced labor or murdered. The Nazi’s killed approximately two thirds of all Jews living in Europe; one point one million was estimated to be children. Night occurs in the 1940’s, when Adolf Hitler began to invade Hungry and slowly takes over the town Sighet. This is where, Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel, who is the narrator and the author of the book. Elie Wiesel is a 13 year old teenager, who is a deeply observant child, during the day he studied Talmud, which is a Hebrew word meaning learning, instruction, consists…show more content…
His father’s commitments to the community, did not give him much time for his family. That did not stop Elie from looking up to his father who is a respected member of the Jewish community in Sighet. His father thought that Elie was too young to study mysticism, that did not stop him from studying. The relationship between Elie and his father, Chlomo, changed from a normal father and son relationship at the beginning of the book to a very close relationship at the death camp, they were inseparable. They would support each other as to go on living and working, but this relationship transforms as the two go through more and more situations. Never in the history of the Jewish people, men have never recited Kaddish for themselves. Elie and his father were in a line that was heading to the pit, an infernal heat that was rising, as they were getting closer. They were told by another inmate to lie about their ages, the Elie was eighteen and that his father was forty. As they were getting closer Eli was to himself saying goodbye to his father, to everything, and against his will, he was also whispering the Kaddish. “My heart was about to burst. There. I was face-to-face with the Angel of Death……” (34). Then they were ordered to turn left, which headed them to the barracks. That first night in the concentration camp, first night being separated from his mother, Elie thought, “Never shall I forget this night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed”

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