Summary Of The Agile Gene By Matt Ridley

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The book The Agile Gene by Matt Ridley presents us with the theory of a single gene turning the nurturing part of you. Or how nature turns on nurture. He presents this idea with explaining how many genes relate to us in our world and what we may learn. But he does not explain what genes actually are until later in the text. And in his definition of the gene, he tells of the seven theories of the functions, like how genes are developmental switches expressing themselves in specific tissues. And explanations of certain genes done early in the book show his in depth knowledge of genes. Like language, for example, is a learned and acquired skill. He further explains that damage/malfunction to/of the FOXP2 gene causes an inability to learn how…show more content…
Our environment shapes how our genes affect us though. Genes work in mysterious ways and we may not enjoy what the give to us. Good or bad, genes are what turn on nurture so our environment can shape who we are, how we behave, and possibly who we love. Ridley certainly backs his theories with much evidence and this book strongly displays his opinion of how nature brings about nurture. From the text, I gathered that Ridley wrote The Agile Gene from a biological perspective of psychology. Ridley talks much about how genes affect people, their minds, and their bodies. And his very in-depth look at genes is what make me think he took a biological perspective. Ridley himself is not a psychologist. He is just a biologist, which explains his great knowledge of how genes work. This was not Ripley’s first book about the human genome. His has put out a vast collection about human evolution, sex, and genes. Ripley gives us many reasons to believe that he takes a biological science to a whole different level with his understanding of the human genome. Ripley presents us with ideas of the biochemistry of genes and the psychological effects they may have. So yes, one does not need to be a psychologist to give a psychological view of something. I believe that Matt Ripely has displayed such talent with the book The Agile…show more content…
His ideas are scattered and difficult to follow. Also, he sometimes seems like he is supporting nature vs. nurture theory at times in his book. He states that animals evolve by learning to adjust to their environment, that’s not part of their genome. Also, at points in his book, I’m just not sure why something was included in The Agile Gene. One of his favorite subjects to write about was obviously sexuality throughout all species. I found that very disturbing because I am not sure why it was included in a book about genomes. I wonder what Freud would have to say about that. Good
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