Supersize Me Documentary Conventions Essay

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24/3/14 24/3/14 Arin Regi Arin Regi Conventions and Themes Essay Conventions and Themes Essay The 2004 super hit documentary film Super Size Me is a documentary film that follows a normal guy on a very weird and wacky journey across America through many McDonalds restaurants. He knows his conventions and he definitely understands how to link them to themes perfectly. These themes include that McDonalds and fast food slowly deteriorates and kills its customers, America is turning out to be the fattest country and that everyone wants to be slim and ‘hot’ the easy way. These themes are cleverly conveyed through conventions such as jiggly camera, facts and statistics and animation and visual aids. In the documentary film Super Size Me, the director and main person, Morgan Spurlock uses the convention, ‘jiggly camera’ to convey the theme that McDonalds and fast food slowly deteriorates and kills its customers. Spurlock is just a normal but very intelligent person who knows how to use his conventions well in a documentary. During the documentary, he takes on an experiment to consume only McDonalds, three times a day for thirty days. Most of the scenes that portray this experiment are taken on a handheld camera, which forms the ‘jiggly camera’ convention, which usually gives the viewer a realistic, first experience on the experiment. In one of the scenes, Spurlock is videoed lying on a bed with his exposed pot belly which is giving us proof of how fast food is deteriorating his health, making him obese and making him feel tired, depressed and exhausted. Thus, jiggly camera precisely conveys the theme that fast food deteriorates and decreases the health and lifespan of its victims. America is known as one of the biggest and most powerful countries in the world as stated in the documentary, but they are also the fattest. This is proven through the convention of

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