Support Participation in Learning and Development

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Support Participation in Learning and Development Activities Factors to Take into Account When Supporting Individuals to Take Part in Activities for Learning and Development: Individuals may take part in activities for learning or development to promote their fitness or mobility and to develop their skills and intellect through communication and interaction. This promotes and supports active participation which avoids isolation and in turn focuses on the individuals well-being and independence and contributes to person centred care. Active participation recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible. Different activities in which individuals may take part bring different benefits for learning or development to them. A person centred approach to this means activities can be planned to suit the individual’s wants and needs. Some examples of different activities and their benefits can be found below: * Memory joggers- Memory joggers are often in the form of a large pack of cards where each has either a question such as, ‘What was your first job?’ or a historic photograph which may be easily recognised. The individual can take their own choice of card and read it with or without support dependent upon their needs which practices their reading and speech skills and their listening and responding skills when another player interacts. The questions are often open for discussion and encourage communication and interaction whilst the individuals can reminisce and re-live some important memories by sharing them with others making it a very simple yet enjoyable activity. This increases individual’s feeling of self-esteem, independence and confidence. When a picture is picked it could be for example, a royal marriage, which individuals could then try to identify and discuss.
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