Systems Structure Overview: Case Study

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Systems Structure Overview Audra Kowalski HCS/533 July 6, 2015 Dr. Lett Systems Structure Overview This 525 to 700 word summary relates to a chosen system structure within a hospital setting. In the summary a description will be provided about the system structure and the reason it was chosen. It will explain how this structure is applicable to a work area related to me showing the benefits and negative aspects. The material used will be given through at least three peer-reviewed references, not including the text book used in this course. Description and Reason Interoperable electronic health records (EHRs) is the health records structure chosen for this paper. These computer driven formats play and important role in a hospital…show more content…
This gives a more efficient way to get information about a patients for quality care purposes. The applicable interoperability of EHRs can save time and money, if successfully implemented. Some negative things with this type of health information technology (HIT) is that it is computerized driven format things get lost or stolen. Another probability is that not all the information was correctly inputted in the system and that can lead to several issues like mismanagement of medication or even death. It seems that the benefits for implementing a health records structure outweigh the negative aspects. Conclusion In conclusion, the chosen system structure is health care records in computer driven format. The one mentioned was interoperable electronic health records which are evolving and will continue to do so in the future. This type of technology is making waves and is interesting to learn and implement into a hospital setting. In laboratory registration, EHRs are used more often especially in regards to making sure that all patient information is correct before running or using certain medication. The interoperability of EHRs are given a more efficient way to communicate and get information about a patient, but it also…show more content…
Committee Opinion NO. 621. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2015: 125, 282-3 Steinfeld, B.I., & Keyes, J.A. (2011). Electronic medical records in a multidisciplinary health care setting: A clinical perspective. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42(6), 426-432. Doi: Sullivan, T. (2015, June). Innovation Pulse: A better road to data interoperability? Healthcare IT News. Retrieved from Wager, K.A., Lee, F.W., & Glaser, J.P. (2013). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA:

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