Tanglewood 1 Essay

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Tanglewood Case 1 Keller Graduate School of Management HR 594 - Strategic Staffing In reference to Exhibit 1.7, I think that the staffing quantity and staffing strategies listed develop talent, internal hiring and exceptional workforce quality are all fundamental strategies to implement. By using these strategies, Tanglewood can continue implementing their strong values and carry their mission statement. Acquire or Develop Talent My recommendation is to focus on acquiring talent vs. developing it Tanglewood encourages current employees to work their from the bottom to the top, there Tanglewood should consider some of their employees. The potential employee will have to have all the qualities that the organization is looking for. Hire Yourself or Outsource Being that Tanglewood already has a Human Resources Department there is no need to outsource. Tanglewood would have to properly train all the employees in the Human Resources department to be effective. External or Internal Hiring I think the company should look to hire within the organization. One of the problems could be the rapid growth and the external hiring. Tanglewood should focus on hiring internally. With the proper training and encouragement not only would the employee benefit but Tanglewood would benefit as well. Internal hiring would also keep Tanglewood’s cost low. Core Flexible Workforce Tanglewood already seems to focus on Core Workforce. I believe focusing on Core Workforce is the best decision for their culture and values also. Hire or Retain Because there is so much talent within the organization Tanglewood should try to retain their employees. Tanglewood should focus on retaining their employees improving their skills rather than hiring external candidates. Hiring external candidates could effect the culture of Tanglewood, their employees do well
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