Tattoos And Body Pierings In a Workplace

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Tattoos and body piercings in a workplace 1 When you are working in any public place it is always nice to make your first impression a lasting one. Depending on your job all depends on how tattoos and body piercings will fit in workplaces of all kinds. While that people should have the right to have them, being hired or working with the public tattoos and body piercings in a work place is being more looked upon as a way of not hiring you. When going to work or applying for a job in today market, it is offensive to other people and they judge you based on your looks. Legal issues around company policies are getting more stricken on how and what you look like in the public eye. Once a company sets a policy and employees do not follow them the company can take legal action on the person. Tattoos and body piercings have been known to be common in the age group of 20’s and 30’s. Laurel Van Buskirk of the New Hampshire Business Review (2005) statistics shows that 25-29 have the highest rate of tattoos in the workplace. A company that tends to have such policies of no tattoos or body piercings needs to be aware of such policies so that they can avoid a discrimination case. Employers looking to hire anyone need to make sure that they are following all policies just in case they may hire someone with body art. Companies hiring people with body art need to make their policies known and have them in writing so they can avoid a law suit. As of to date the government does not have any rules on how employees look but if company’s hire a person with tattoos they need to include it in the manual to protect themselves. Some tattoos and body piercings are distracting in a workplace. Depends on what kind of job or you work place you are in depends on how distracting they can be. For example: if you are getting a job in a hair salon, tattoo parlor,
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