Tda 2.4 Essay

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1.2 To make sure that i work within the relevant standards set out for teaching assistant when i first started my placement in school i received an induction training course ,which provided specialised training relating to my job role. Also i receive regular supervision with my line manager, where i can discuss any problems, and get support. My line manager also She also highlights areas where she thinks I would benefit from further training. I attend regular refresher courses so that I am up to date with the current standards required for my role. I treat all service users with respect and dignity, and my work practices reflect and promote equal opportunities. I have read, and understand my setting's policies and procedures, and I am aware of what to do in most circumstances or who to go to for advice, including the correct reporting and recording procedures to follow. I always work in a professional manner,i ensure that I work in a lawful, safe and effective way. 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided. Reflective practice is imperative in order to ensure that high standards are kept continuously as circumstances, children and environments change. In order to reflect one must continuously be aware of approaches used and how they can be changed or developed to improve. Continually improving and adapting approaches benefits both children and practitioners, ensuring that each individual child’s needs are catered for. Reflective practice involves evolving in a child centred approach. The carer benefits as his or her skills grow and develop, enabling the highest standards of care and provision. It also promotes a better level of understanding and acceptance of those different from us, taking on board the opinions, cultures and attitudes of others to ensure a diverse and positively productive
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