Ten NAEYC Standards

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By: Ixchellle Sandoval March 24, 2013 Child Development 340 NAEYC Standards There are ten NAEYC Standards are as follows: Positive relationships: Positive relationships are important for the development of personal responsibility, capacity for self-regulation, for constructive interactions with others, and for fostering academic Functioning and mastery. Warm, sensitive, and responsive interactions help children develop a secure, positive sense of self and encourage them to respect and cooperate with others. Positive relationships also help children gain the benefits of instructional experiences and resources. Children who see themselves as highly valued are more…show more content…
Children depend on adults (who also are as healthy as possible) to make healthy choices for them and to teach them to make healthy choices for themselves. Teaching: Children benefit most when their teachers have high levels of formal education and specialized early childhood professional preparation. Families: Young children’s learning and development are integrally connected to their families. Consequently, to support and promote children’s optimal learning and development, programs need to recognize the primacy of children’s families, establish relationships with families based on mutual trust and respect, support and involve families in their children’s educational growth, and invite families to fully participate in the program. Community: As part of the fabric of children’s communities, an effective program establishes and maintains reciprocal relationships with agencies and institutions that can support it in achieving its goals for the curriculum, health promotion, children’s transitions, inclusion, and diversity. Physical Environment: A well-organized equipped, and maintained environments support program quality by fostering
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