Texas Roadhouse Case Study

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Texas Roadhouse Won’t Scrimp on Making Employees Happy Toni Rosier Strayer University August 26, 2012 “If we take care of our employees, they will take care of our customers” is a common phrase. In your experience, is it actually practiced or is it just a cliché on the wall? Discuss the implications of your answer. It is my belief that energy both positive and negative is transferred from one person to the next. If we as an employer create positive energized environments, that positive experience will pass along to our customer base. When an employee is happy and content the employee will definitely take care of the customer. In this case, everything is about attitude and the assurance of providing the employees…show more content…
“Recognition really is a simple choice,” says Dodson. “We have seen that over 16 years of our business at Texas Roadhouse. Taking care of your people makes a difference. It drives results. It creates success.” Texas Roadhouse uses money as a motivator for employees. In today’s economy, describe alternative methods that could be used to motivate their employees. Texas Roadhouse uses money as a motivator for employees. In today’s economy, alternative methods that can be used to motivate their employees could be employee of the month recognitions, such as: extra paid time off, raffles for free trips, my company recently gave away 6 vacation cruises and issued 1 additional week of paid time off. That was an extremely motivating promotion for the employees (Noe, 2012). Discuss the possible effectiveness of each of your alternative…show more content…
To reward our employees in a way that will have maximum impact we have to create something tailored that will honor and delight them personally. That will do far more in the longer term than a gold watch or a little extra in their pay packet ever would. We need to ask people how they would like to be rewarded. Analyze how transferable is the Texas Roadhouse way of motivating employees in other organizations. Personally, I feel as if Texas Roadhouse way of motivating employees in other organizations are indeed transferable to an extent. A lot of companies can’t afford to give an employee $20,000.00 each year or give all of their managers $500.00 as “fun money,” nor, be able to sending their employees on an expensive four-day conference which includes their spouses. Performance management issues and process appears to be somewhat few if any with Texas Roadhouse, they are about keeping their employees happy and in turn the employees will keep the customers happy things seem to be a

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