Texting While Driving Essay

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If I could create a new law it would be no texting or calling while driving. Texting while driving can be very dangerous, and has already resulted in the deaths and injuries of countless numbers of drivers. Calling while driving has also had many of the same results as texting while driving which is why I think that should not be allowed as well. This new law should be passed because drivers will be less distracted, it could save many lives, and it would be safer for everyone. Texting or calling while driving can be one of the most dangerous distractions, and the could both lead to death or injury. Also, studies have shown that drivers that are texting are as impaired as drivers who are under the influence. Because drivers who are texting…show more content…
Texting while driving is irresponsible and extremely dangerous, not only to the driver texting, but to everyone close by. It only takes a second for a disaster to occur on the highways, and texting takes the driver's attention off the road for more than a second. Texting or calling while driving has the potential to cause a serious car accident that can have fatal results. Speaking on a cell phone is already illegal in many states. Texting while driving is even more dangerous. It involves using your hands on the device and your eyes on the device to make sure that you are typing correctly. This means more attention given to the device and less to the road. More accidents await unless texting while driving is banned. As you can see, texting and or calling while driving can be very dangerous, and should be illegal in all states. This law should be passed in all states because drivers will be less distracted, it could save many lives, and it would be safer for everyone. Texting while drving has already resulted in numerous injuries and deaths all over the country which is why I believe it is so important to have this law passed as soon as possible. The result of this law being passed would be a safer driving environment for drivers and pedestrians

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