The Absolutist Monarchy

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Frank Pinkney History Midterm 6/27/13 Midterm The absolutist state from 1598- 1715 developed in many different ways and involved the change and evolution of many different institutions. The power of the absolutist state had begun just after the midst of a bloody French civil war over religion. The French civil war was caused due to rapid growth of Calvinist and Protestants in the French cities; in cities that were already dominated by a catholic population this caused wide spread hysteria among the French. However, finally in an attempt to end the violence the Edict of Nantes was signed in 1598, in an effort to finally gain religious tolerance in France. Order was finally restored to France for 11 short years until King Henri IV was…show more content…
The French Kings after Louis XIII enjoyed such power until the last half of the 18th century under Louis XVI reign. Although being all powerful in government and having one person making all the rules in the country did have its obvious draw backs at the time. In an absolutist monarchy one of the biggest factors that would ultimately lead to the monarchies reduction in power and eventually the end of the monarchy all together was the economic pressure that this style of government places on society. Louis XIII and Louis XIV failed to get an independent source of revenue to be able to fund the lavish life stlyes that the royal family and the high nobles became accustomed to. Even with the many flaws at this point in European history absolute monarchies were in most of the key countries in Western…show more content…
This led to further economic collapse that hit its climax 1777. So in order for the government to dig its way out of this huge hole was for it to create new taxes, Calonne attempted to do this by side stepping the parliament which only resulted in a Nobles revolt and a call for an estates general. Brienne became the new minister to replace Calonne, however although his many attempts to try to fix the national debt and end the crisis he was sabotaged by Louis XVI and disgraced. Once again France was at this fragile point in its economy and with the high national debt and the high taxes that the 3rd estate, and second estate were paying it made it the perfect environment for a
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