‘The American Revolution And The Irony Of Slavery’

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‘The American Revolution and the Irony of Slavery’ The American Revolution redefined economic, political and religious freedom in colonial America and around the world. Americans of the revolutionary generation were preoccupied with the social conditions of freedom. The contradiction between freedom and slavery seem so apparent that it makes it difficult to understand the obstacles to abolition. During the revolutionary era slavery became the focus of international debate for the first time in world history. The United States changed dramatically in a very short time after the Revolution, the transition was not an easy one, militarily, politically, and culturally. Socially, the new emphasis on egalitarianism and individual rights changed the relationship and roles. America’s call for freedom from British oppression while still being a slave society was undeniably ironic, yet, the Revolutionary movement initiated serious consideration of the issue of slavery. Both Americans and the British made various arguments concerning the irony. As slave-owning and slave trading were accepted routines of colonial life, slavery would play a central part in the language of the revolution. The perseverance of the legalized institution of slavery until 1865 is unquestionably the most controversial aspect of all American history. The hypocrisy of the new republic dominated the spotlight of the global stage. The US cultivated and advocated philosophy of the Enlightenment while continuing to legitimize the evil of slavery amongst countless innocent souls. As the European lands were building powerful states on the foundations of revolutionary ideas, and dismantling the whole system, the United States forged a strong central government to deal with the political and social issues that divided the American republic. The irony of America’s call for freedom from British oppression

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