The Autobiography Of Race, Religion, And Malcolm X

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Greg Jorgensen Edward Kehler February 27, 2012 Race, Religion, and Malcolm X In Malcolm’s book The Autobiography of Malcolm X, he discusses the best way for Afro-Americans to become free. Malcolm believes through pride in his or her race and a strong belief in Religion, black men can become free from racial injustices. Malcolm X did not have this view in the beginning of the book, but as he matured, and as his religion changed Malcolm’s concept about how Afro-Americans can become free transformed. Malcolm X’s different stages of religious belief changed his identity and transformed his views about Race and human rights. Malcolm little grew up in a very religious household his father was a minister, his mom…show more content…
This was Malcolm’s first introduction to the “hustle” later on in his hustling career Malcolm started selling narcotic’s and eventually he started his own robbery ring. Five years after the “Harlem hustle” began Malcolm got arrested for robbery and was sentenced to eight to ten years in prison. While in prison Malcolm X got his third nickname “satin.” He said, “I preferred the solitary that this behavior brought me. I would pace for hours like a caged leopard, viciously cursing aloud to myself. And my favorite targets were the bible and God. But there was a legal limit to how much time one could be kept in solitary. Eventually, the men in the cellblock had a name for me: “satin.” Because of my anti religious attitude.”(Malcolm X, 156) Throughout his hustling days Malcolm completely rejected religion. And as a result rebelled from society and began to reject the so called “assimilating negroes.” I would argue that having a religion gives people moral standards to live buy some of those moral standards include no cheating, no lying, and no stealing. Malcolm made his living lying, cheating, and steeling. Without a set rule of moral standards, Malcolm had no idea of what is good or what is bad. He would do what made the easiest money. Steal from houses and resell the stolen goods on the black-market. Illegal activities were Malcolm’s way of rebelling from society. In this faze of life Malcolm X or “Detroit Red” was not…show more content…
Elijah Muhammad says that, dark skinned people were the first humans and the original black society was superior to today’s white society. Malcolm writes, “Elijah Muhammad teaches his followers that, first, the moon separated from the earth. Then, the first humans, Original Man, were a black people. They founded the holy city Mecca.”(Malcolm X, 167) The nation of Islam believes for Afro-Americans to be free they must have pride in their own race and they must not try to assimilate because, the nation of Islam teaches that black society and culture is the original way god intended humans to live. In prison when Malcolm begins to study the nation of Islam he says, “I have to admit a sad, shameful fact. I had so loved being around white man that in prison I really disliked how Negro convicts stuck together so much. But when Mr. Muhammad’s teachings reversed my attitude toward my black brothers, in my guilt and shame I began to catch every chance I could to recruit for Mr. Muhammad”(Malcolm X, 185). Malcolm is describing how his views about assimilation changed when he became a member of the nation of Islam. Before Malcolm believed that assimilation was the easiest way for black men to become free because he believed if he assimilated with white men he would be accepted into their society and as a result become free from racial prejudice.
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