The Comparison And Contraction Of Romeo And Juliet

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The Similarities and Differences Between Romeo and Juliet and Westside Story Tracy Perry English 121 Instructor: Benjamin Daw Date: 1-30-12 Two hundred fifty years had passed when the premiere of Westside Story on Broadway. And between the original Romeo and Juliet. Time did not change the message of the story, only the creators unique vision evolved. Audiences cherish Romeo and Juliet as one of the most beloved plays of all time. Romeo and Juliet have attained the role as the Quintessential lovers. Shakespeare’s version of Romeo and Juliet is closely based on Arthur Brooke’s tale. The tragical history of Romeus and Juliet. In 1949, choreographer Jerome Robbins decide to retell Brooke and Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy by using song, and dance, elements of racism and nationalism, with a modern twist. Robbins called upon the musical talents of composer Leonard Bernstein and the words of Arthur Laurent for the script and book. The love story proved to have universal appeal. Westside Story and Romeo and Juliet are both similar, because the relationships between the characters of Westside Story and Romeo and Juliet are reflective of their respective time periods. Maria and Juliet Represent a slightly practical counterpart to both Tony’s and Romeo’s idealistic nature. Maria’s brother and Juliet’s cousin Tybalt both were portrayed as being stubborn and violent. they both die from wound inflicted by the male lead. Lieutenant Schrank is similar to Prince Escalus. Like Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria are of adverse parties, and their doomed love is forbidden. Both stories are youthful, fresh –faced and open-minded. They are both apathetic to the societal borders in which they are violating. Love is their sole concern. Both relationships in each individual time period faced severe pressure when their love crossed into a different
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