The Crucible: A Short Story

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At last I have escaped! And I have thirty-one pounds in my pocket. Now I can be free from those terrible people who would have punished me so severely for those things we did in the forest. I was so frightened then! Uncle was so cross! But he shouldn’t have sneaked into the forest to spy on us. What did he know? There were too many secrets. He never knew that I drank blood for a charm to kill that weak holier-than-thou woman Goody Proctor. How I still loathe that woman. I schemed and took every chance to have her put out of the way so that John Proctor could be mine. And now he is dead but she lives. That silly Betty fainted with the shock when he crept up on us. I am sure that he shocked me too. But I knew that I must hide what we were doing. What he had seen – I had to make the softest story of that. To succeed I must control the other girls – or the whole story would be known. As I was parentless – living on the charity of my self-serving uncle – and as there were already rumours about why Goody Proctor dismissed me.…show more content…
“And witchery’s a hanging error” says Mary Warren. I had to terrify those girls. I had to control them. I saw Tituba go from being certainly hanged to being special to those evil witch hunters. She named witches. Soon it became clear to how to save myself from hanging or any form of punishment of all for that matter. We would say that we saw witches and then name them. I started, the other girls soon followed. Oh all the people we saw with the Devil! How it pleases those witch

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