The Crucible Act 2 Scene 2 Analysis

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In Arthur Millers The Crucible, Act II, Scene ii negatively alters the audience perceptions of the principle characters. Act II, scene ii changes the way the audience will think about Abigail Williams. First, when Abigail states “I have once or twice played the shovel board. But I have no joy in it”. (Page1) This shows that Abigail is not happy with her life right now. The audience might feel bad for her as they identify with the fact that sometimes getting what you want still doesn’t make you happy. Secondly when Abigail says “George Jacobs he comes again and again and raps me with his stick- the same spot all this week, look at the lump I have” (page2). This portrays that Abigail is an innocent girl and she is a victim. The audience will

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