The Crucible Essay

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Salem Witch Trials & McCarthyism Essay Many similarities lie within the McCarthy Trials and the Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials occurred in the late 1600’s towards two girls and an Indian slave dancing, similar to The Crucible. The McCarthy Trials, an event in the 1950’s was compiled of victims being accused of communist acts by Joseph McCarthy (who wanted to be seen). All of these are connected in how they share continuous accusations, politicians that lead, and bad reactions to the Devil and communism. Within The Crucible, those that were paranoid, and the consistency of lies led to the suspicion of those neighbors and friends related to witchcraft. These seem to play-off of each other and ultimately are alike in details, but different in time, as well as how they emerged. In The Crucible, the girls, in their teens, accuse women in Salem of witchcraft. When Tituba is first accused, many accusations fell thereafter. So, Tituba accused others to save herself, which ultimately caused the accused to place blame on others, which then, causes a, “chain reaction.” In 1692 nineteen men and women, all convicted of witchcraft, were sentenced to hang in Gallows Hill, a town near Salem. Another man of eighty years was pressed to death under heavy stones for refusing to come clean about any witchcraft charges. Why did this false sense of justice occur? Why did it occur in Salem? This only derived from war, bad economic conditions, jealousy, and teenage boredom, which resulted in trials, accusations, and executions. The Salem Witch Trials and The Crucible are alike in almost every detail. So, this leads to McCarthyism and how it comes into play and comparison of these two. A Senator, Joseph McCarthy led a stream of allegations, classified as a widespread fear of communism that led the United States to pursue unnecessary investigations, imprisonments, and acts

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