The Development of Russian Government Was Influenced More by War Than Any Other Facter. to What Extent Do You Agree with This View of the Period from 1855 to 1924?

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There is debate on whether the development of the Russian government was influenced mainly by war, or other factors in the ideology and personal beliefs of the ruler, or Opposition to the ruler. The development of Russian government can be defined as a change in type or style of the leadership and the extent of consultation or representation that the Russian people have within their government. War is ultimately the driving force behind nearly every reform and change in government in Russia, nearly every governmental change can be traced back to a need to improve the military capability of Russia. During the period from 1855 to 1924 there was a variety of Opposition groups to the Tsarist and Communist governments, however due to the fact that the majority of which were unsuccessful in inducing change, their influence on the development of the Russian government was not as much as that of war. Opposition did influence governmental change under every ruler apart from Alexander III who kept the opposition “underground”. Opposition was responsible for two changes in governments; the assassination of Alexander II and the Bolshevik revolution. However, both cases did not result in any governmental development to a more liberal and modern style of government. The assassination of Alexander II only led to his replacement by the far more reactionary Alexander III who actually caused the development of Russian government to regress as he removed several reforms that Alexander II was responsible for. Lenin had a similar effect as ultimately Russia remained an autocratic state, and also resulted in a regression in the development of Russian government initially as the Communist state had even less representation than under Nicholas II by virtue of the removal of the state duma. The 1905 revolution and the resulting October manifesto and other reforms were examples of Russian
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