The Difference and Similarites Between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

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There are many differences and similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells for example eukaryotic cells have a nucleus that is bound by a double membrane, whereas a prokaryotic cell does not. The main purpose of the nucleus is to isolate the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) functions of the cell into a smaller area for increased efficiency. This is not necessary for the prokaryotic cell because it’s much smaller size means that all materials in the cell are close together ( Both cells have DNA and DNA functions but in prokaryotic cells the DNA is not enclosed inside the cell. The DNA in a eukaryotic cell is linear and is complexed with proteins called histones, these histones are simple alkaline proteins usually occurring in the cell nuclei and when combined with DNA they form nucleoproteins (Encyclopaedia Online Britannica). The DNA in prokaryotic cells is circular and simpler because the cell requires fewer genes to operate ( Both cells contain organelles; organelles are any of the specialised structures within the cell that perform a specific function (Encyclopaedia Online Britannica). Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of both the cells, they are small structures built of two subunits and are constructed of protein and nucleic acid RNA. The main function of ribosomes is used as the site of protein synthesis this uses mRNA to produce proteins (C J Clegg 2008), however in eukaryotic cells the ribosome is more complex and contains five kinds of RNA and about eighty kinds of proteins but in a prokaryotic cell ribosomes are only made up of three kinds of RNA and about fifty kinds of proteins ( Mitochondria are found in both eukaryotic cells of plants and animals but are not found in the simpler prokaryotic cells. An example of a cell that contains lots of mitochondria is the cardiac myocytes because the heart is very active and

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