The First Three Years of Development

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Week 2 Assignment: The First Three Years Of Development A child’s brain learns a lot in the first three years of life including learning the environment around him or her and how to walk and talk (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). Parenting styles affect the way a child grows including the income levels of the parents (Lugo-Gil & Tamis-LeMonda, 2008). The Zero to Three movement was developed to explain that the first three years in a child’s life are the most important to development (Zero to Three, 2012). This paper will be discussing the zero to three myth, how the myth can be interpreted, and how a child’s first three years impact changes over the lifespan. Myth of The First Three Years The myth of the first three years can be explained by the emphasis of the first three years of a child’s life as being the most important to cognitive development. Zero to Three (2012) explains that billions of cells are formed in the brain during the first three years as well as trillions of synapses between those cells. Because infants do not talk, it becomes harder understand how a child develops cognitively (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). Bruer (1999) details how years ago it was thought that a child’s brain is virtually complete at birth and now with advancements in neuroscience, it is known that the brain develops over time. The myth is that the brain develops within the first three years of a child’s life, so the first three years are the most important for development. Disagreement With Myth Lugo-Gil and Tamis-LeMonda (2008) found that the parenting quality, judged by the interactions between parent and child, influence the cognitive development of a child. The act of spending quality time with a child in early development has a positive influence on cognitive development (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The difference surrounding the myth is that the brain is not fully
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