The Great Gatsby's Exposure Of The Fraud Of The Am

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The Great Gatsby’s Exposure of the Fraud of the American Dream The Great Gatsby provides a different way of looking at the Roaring Twenties and the Modernism movement. A characteristic of the Modernism era is being anti-traditional versus the traditional form of writing. The Great Gatsby shows real life in the seemingly extravagant and exciting portrayal of the time period. The Modern era brought around a change in the style of writing and thinking. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses this to describe American life as an illusion of prosperity instead of the traditional place where dreams are made. Fitzgerald’s own experience of failing to achieve the American Dream gave him a greater understanding of the American Dream as a fake, and helped him to skillfully write his greatest work, The Great Gatsby. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, carelessness results from extravagant lifestyles, and happiness is never achieved, which shows the American Dream is a fake and does not actually exist. Most of the characters in the novel live rich and expensive lives. Parties, selfishness, disdain for material wealth, and other careless aspects are what result from these lives. Gatsby’s guests at his parties drive home drunk. “In the ditch beside the road, right side up, but violently shorn of one wheel, rested a new coupé which had left Gatsby’s drive not two minutes before” (53). The car crashes after one of Gatsby’s parties. The driver got drunk then decided he could drive anyway. After having fun and drinking, they risked their own life and the lives of others, a Rehill 2 careless thing to do. The parties that these wealthy people go to are thrown by Gatsby himself. He spends a lot of money in order to throw a party, spending his vast hoard of money on large parties. Gatsby uses a lot of his wealth for each party just to try and attract Daisy to one of his parties. Plenty

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