The Great Schism In The Catholic Church

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The Great Schism (Overview) The Great Schism that occurred in the Catholic Church between 1378 and 1417 saw rival popes contend for papal authority. The schism greatly added to existing problems within the Church and did much to further divide a European continent already burdened with war and disease. It began in AD 1378 with the election of Pope Urban VI, who, upon his election, began a series of reforms that greatly upset a largely French College of Cardinals. In anger, they elected their own pope and removed to France. Each pope excommunicated his rival's followers and courted kings for support, thus starting a rift within the Church that made an already uneasy situation worse. The problem was not resolved until 1417, when the Council of Constance restored order to the papacy. Significant damage to the prestige of the papacy, however, remained and helped set…show more content…
No bishop or body of bishops has the right to establish notaries or other civil officials. 25. No bishop or body of bishops may give permission to teach or practice in any profession or occupation, but this right belongs to the Christian "legislator" or to the one who rules by its authority. 26. In ecclesiastical offices and benefices those who have received consecration as deacons or priests, or have been otherwise irrevocably dedicated to God, should be preferred those who have not been thus consecrated. 27. The human "legislator" has the right to use ecclesiastical temporalities for the common public good and defence after the needs of the priests and clergy, the expenses of divine worship, and the necessities of the poor have been satisfied. 28. All properties established for pious purposes or for works of mercy, such as those that are left by will for the making of a crusade, the redeeming of captives, or the support of the poor, and similar purposes, may be disposed of by the prince alone according to the decision of the "legislator" and the purpose of the testator or

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