The Little Prince Dairy Journal Entry

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The Little Prince’s Dairy Tim Johnson 1st Entry 1 Before I set out on my journey to explore the other planets that roam the vast less spaces of the universe, I decided to take a journal (note: NOT a dairy) with me to record my findings and just to keep my thoughts in. I can’t wait to leave. I am so stressed from this rose of mine! It’s going to feel great to get away for once. I’m really curious about what is out there. I guess there is only one way to find out, I can’t wait! Oh shoot! Forgot to clean out the volcanoes! Entry 2 I wish there was a better way of traveling instead of using a flock of wild birds…but I mean beggars can be choosers. Finally! I get to the first planet, asteroid 325? Yeah, I think that’s right. I was a little scared of what was on here at first but now I feel dumb that I was. I could see a figure of s person when I was approaching but I would have never guessed it was going to be a king! He had this robe that basically covered the whole planet…it was weird. He kept telling me not to yawn then that it was okay. I just wanted to leave honestly. I asked him what he ruled over, and he said “over everything “. Come on man, really? Whatever, I just wanted to get to the next planet. The grown-ups are very strange. Entry 3 I was happy to leave that…show more content…
He didn’t even acknowledge me when I landed, he just kept counting. I tried telling him his cigarette was out but he just kept on counting and counting. I did what anyone would probably do, I asked him what he was counting. He said those things you sometimes see in the sky. All I could think was …thanks that helped! (Obviously being sarcastic) so I said flies? Bees? Then I realized he was talking about the stars. He kept on about how he’s going to get rich from buying more stars. It didn’t really make much sense to me at all. The grown-ups are certainly altogether

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