The Lottery Questions

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Homework Questions Board and Lottery Questions on Board: 1. A person’s actions represent what kind of person he or she is. In a way, the things a person does, does reflect on what type of character a person has. However, not every form of action a person makes should be counted for. However, when these actions are repeated consistently, judging their personalities from these actions would be very reasonable. For example, if a student turns in their homework for every class on time for the entire year, it shows that he/she is organized and hard working. So in conclusion, a person’s actions do reflect on their personalities, but not every gesture they make should be taken account of because as human beings, we all make mistakes once in…show more content…
In comparison with other towns, this village only contains about three hundred people and all are able to fit between “their post office and the bank.” The reason the village is unnamed might be because Shirley Jackson wanted the audience to use their imagination and make up the story in their heads as they assume everything with the bits of details she provides. Another reason the town might be unnamed is because the story could take place anywhere. 3. What seems to have been the original purpose of the lottery? What do people believe about it? The original purpose of “The Lottery” was to demonstrate the act of violence and bullying in America. In a way, I believe Jackson was trying to approach her audience in a personal way by introducing a familiar atmosphere for readers to relate to such as the ‘small town’ setting. By doing this, Jackson’s audience realizes and takes notice of the violence in your own environment. With Jackson’s writing style, it makes readers feel involved into the story and helps us visualize abuse in short, dense sentences when Mrs. Hutchinson is beaten with smooth stones. 4. What is the significance of Tessie’s final scream “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right”? What aspect of the lottery does she explicitly change; what aspect goes
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