The Most Dangerous Game Suspense Analysis

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SUSPENSEFUL SHIP-TRAP ISLAND Suspense is the pleasant excitement as to the outcome or decision. Richard Connell uses suspense to develop his short story “The Most Dangerous game.” Suspense is usually fun to feel while reading a short story, novel, etc. There is much suspense with the characters Ivan, Rainsford and General Zaroff. One example that shows suspense is when Rainsford falls off of his boat. Late at night while standing on the deck, he hears the sound of a gun go off at least three times in the direction of Ship-Trap Island. When Rainsford hears the gunshots he goes over to the rail and leans over it to see if he can see anything. He loses his balance and falls into the sea. He calls for help but no one hears him and he is now…show more content…
After Rainsford discovered that General Zaroff has been hunting humans, he ends up fighting for his life after general Zaroff challenges him. General Zaroff has been hunting for his entire life, but Rainsford hates hunting. He now gets to feel what it is like to be the hunter and the huntee. Ironically he ends up killing one of general Zaroff dogs and Ivan. Rainsford used a pit trap to get the dog, and he uses a knife trap to lacerate and kill Ivan. Now the readers are really in to the story asking themselves is Rainsford going to survive General Zaroff, or will General Zaroff kill Rainsford? To make the readers happy, Rainsford decided that “General Zaroff had never slept in a better bed.” That indicated that Rainsford had won the “most dangerous game” and killed General Zaroff. In Conclusion, the readers felt suspense when Rainsford fell off his boat, found general Zaroff’s home on Ship-Trap Island, and ironically beat General Zaroff in hunting. Those were all examples that proved that Richard Connell, Author of “The Most Dangerous Game” used suspense to develop his short story. “The Most Dangerous Game” has lots of suspense just like The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, and “the Raven” by Edgar Allen

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