The Open Window - Psychoanalytical Criticism

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The Open Window Psychoanalytical Criticism Psychoanalytical Criticism “The Open Window” – Saki Psychoanalytical criticism considers the repressed desires and daydreams of a character. In The Open Window there are a few characters that represent and are motivated by the three psyches - superego, ego, and id. There are symbolic elements that represent the characters desire in the story, and there are some roles of daydreams that take place throughout the short story. In the short story there are three main characters, Framton, Vera and Mrs. Sappelton. All three characters are motivated by one of the three psyches. To start off, Framton first begins as a superego character; from my class note a superego character makes moral and realistic decisions that are realistically okay. Framton made decisions that were realistically acceptable. For example, Framton first felt guilty to talk about his mental illness since he believed that Mrs. Sappelton’s husband was missing, and he thought that she had it worse than him, so he avoided talking about her tragedy and continued to go on about his illness. Framton brings a letter of introduction to Mrs. Sappleton in order to make her acquaintance. He was going to talk to her about his illness. While he waits for Mrs. Sappleton to appear, her niece, Vera, keeps him company and tells him a story about why a window in the room has been left open. He begins to believe her story and becomes frightened, once these three men appear in a distance from the window his emotions and unconscious desires begin to take control of him as he becomes panicked and runs from the house, this being controlled by his id psyche. From my class note the id is when someone does things without thinking and this is an example of our daydreams or fantasy. “Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat; the hall-door, the gravel-drive, and the front gate
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