The Out of Sync Child

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The Out-of-Sync Child Liberty University Kari Lane 11-26-2012 PSYC 221 The Out-of Sync Child, by Carol Stock Kranowitz, addresses the challenges faced by those with sensory processing disorder. This book takes a little known, often missed disability and makes it accessible to the people who need this information the most. Parents and caregivers desperately need coping skills and resources to help children with SPD and related issues. My report addresses a disorder that many people are not aware of. My report of the Out-of-Sync Child is intended to bring light to issues children with Sensory Processing Disorder, and other developmental disabilities, face on an everyday basis. Childhood is a time of learning and growing. When a child has a developmental problem it can hinder the process of learning and take away many of the joys of childhood. Almost everyone as experienced the discomfort of certain fabrics or tags in clothing. For a child with SPD these feelings are magnified. Children with SPD may not want to wear shoes or socks. Many of these children “melt down” when in uncomfortable situations. The Out-of-Sync Child is a book written by Carol Stock Kranowitz. Sensory processing involves the interpretation of the senses by the brain. Sensory experiences include movement, touch, sight, body awareness, sound, and the pull of gravity. The book refers to Sensory Processing Disorder as “the inability to use information received through one of the senses in order to function smoothly in daily life.” When this process does not function correctly problems in learning and
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