The Personal Reflection That Explains How You Would Go About Managing Your Work and Priorities and Professional Development

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________________________________________ BSBWOR501B_TOI QUESTIONS Projects Project 1 • Write a personal reflection that explains how you would go about managing your work priorities and professional development. In the personal reflection you should ask and answer these questions: 1. What makes a good role model and how would I ensure that I acted as a role model for employees I supervise? 1.To ensure I acted as a positive role model for employees I supervise, I would follow two major guidelines in which I look for in a role model myself, to ‘follow the company policy’ and punctuality, as companies have a set of policies and procedures they desire all employees to follow. As the role model, I would follow all the codes within the company to set a good example for subordinates. 2 What are the traits of an effective leader? Do I have these traits? How would I develop these traits? . To become an effective leader, I believe Communication and the Ability traits inspire the strongest Characteristics a leader should have a. As one of my traits to become an effective leader is a golden rule to treat your followers as you enjoy being treated. For my communication skills I like to stay close to the action by visiting members of the organization, talk to people, visit other offices and work sites, ask questions, and observe how the business is being handled. This will give me the ability to gain new insights into the work and find new opportunities for motivating my followers. b. To develop these traits to be an effective leader, I would learn superior leadership skills. 3 How would I ensure that my work goals and plan reflect the organizations goals and plans? .To manage my work priorities and professional development requires me to be a positive role model to have good traits to ensure my work goals and plans reflect the organizations. 4 How

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