The Powerful Feeling Of Guilt In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Guilt is a powerful feeling of remorse that takes control of your life, you always feel it, both mentally and physically. You will feel this remorse until you have admitted to it and have accepted what you have done and are willing to partake in your punishment. This is portrayed throughout the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, where the main character commits various devastating murders. He must hide all of them in his quest for Kingship and to remain on the throne. As we can see through Shakespeare’s writing, power cannot produce happiness nor satisfaction. In Macbeths pursuit of power his wife, Lady Macbeth pushes him into killing King Duncan. Right before Macbeth kills him he has already begun his guilt ridden kingship. This is illustrated when he sees “A dagger of the mind…” which is the creation of the…show more content…
Whether or not he is blamed with this murder he is going to have to live with knowing he has taking a mans life. After being chosen for kingship Macbeth’s deviant plans aren’t done with yet, for he now must commit more murders and hide even more truths to remain in power. One strong example of the continuation of this murderous kingship is when Macbeth realizes that what the witches have prophesized that Banquo is going to be the father of kings. It is suggested that there is some complications preventing either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth from having children. Now Macbeth has fear of losing his power so he must act by sending out to murder Banquo and his sons. By this time he has already begun to lose his guilt induced conscious as if killing had just become second nature. Thus is the case when he murders all of Macduff’s family, creating one of his largest flaws thus far. It is not illustrated on how the murders were done, rather Macduff’s reaction is shown which creates a hatred towards

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