The Pros And Cons Of US Government Regulating Businesses

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US government should be trying to regulate businesses With the current global economic situation in turmoil, I truly believe that the regulation of businesses by the United States (US) government is justifiable and they should not let the market handle the matter. I say this only because the market players, i.e. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan as well as other financial banks are the only one who truly benefit from these crisis. Most free market societies always have protracted economic downturns or even slower than expected recovery’s when they allow the market to correct itself without the intervention by government. It can be the fastest way to economic collapse or a deterioration of any recovery. Throughout this paper I will demonstrate with…show more content…
It was during the 1980s that President Reagan was credited for his administration’s implementation of what was then called Reaganomics. This program was to execute lower taxes and retracts several government programs and regulations. Once Reaganomics was fully in place and it took hold, there was still a recession following President Bush’s (41) administration. During President Clinton’s there were several regulation enacted and during the 1990’s the US economy prospered. It was also during this period the US national debt became balanced for the first time in decades. In the 2000’s President Bush (43) following the 9/11 attacks, Bush retracted several government regulations and programs and moved towards a free market. This later caused one of the largest recessions since the Great Depression, at the beginning of President Obama’s administration. Obama‘s administration has since implemented one of the largest US government bailouts of US finance banking system since the Great Depression and the takeover of General Motors along with regulations that has since turned the economy around and has led to a growth in GDP during
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