The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

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The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants 11-7-2013 This amazing movie ''The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants,'' is about four young girls,''Wild, unstoppable Bridget'', ''Shy, and beautiful Lena'', Tibby, the rebel'' and Carmen,''the writer. The girls have been friends since birth, and have made a decision on a pair of blue magical jeans to stay friends forever even though they are separating from each other for the first time, the summer after their sophomore year. The theme of friendship, loyalty and love for each other reflects that in spite of their youth, these four girls recognize the value of the relationship they had with each other all their lives. The pact they make on the Traveling Pants may seem superficial and even a bit childish, but it is essential in how they express their feelings for each other. According to Erik Erikson's theory Trust vs Mistrust a person thinks that you can trust someone but they really cant. For example Carmen comes home feeling hurt, betrayal, anger and shame by her father as he now has a new family and she turns immediately to Tibby for comfort and advice. Tibby's friendship with Bailey, a young girl with leukemia, reinforces the feelings she has for the Sisterhood, because her death shows Tibby how important the small pleasures she gave to others while alive can be emulated when she is within the Sisterhood. Bridget learned when Lena organized the girls to come to her aid even when she was in Greece that no matter how big the problem may seem, there is always someone you love to catch you when you fall. Lena learned that she could give her heart within the fear of rejection, and then be the one who comforts when others like Bridget, feel rejection as well. The conflicts are inside each character,

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