"The Story of an Hour" Ananlysis

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"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin is the short story that has a lot of hidden meanings. It can make readers imagine in different ways and can be analyzed variously. In "The Story of an Hour" by Chopin, Chopin uses characterization, setting and the point of view to portray the woman as vulnerable, oppressed but longing for freedom. First of all, Chopin uses characterization to describe the woman as the weak. The text describes the woman "young with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength." Although she is young, she has "a heart trouble(1)." Heart trouble is an uncountable noun. So, it does not need an article. From these things, I think that the woman's disease results from a psychological cause. Maybe, I think that the chief cause is her husband because she feels joy when she was heard that he was dead. Chopin also uses setting to contrast the news of her husband's death or her longing for freedom. In the text, "the open window and the open square(1,3)" repeat again and again throughout the story. In addition, "the tops of trees, the new spring life, the delicious breath of rain, the notes of distant song and countless sparrows" don't get along with the woman's present situation. Although her husband was dead, she thought her future as "spring days, and summer days, and all sort of days that would be her own." It is very contradictory. She felt free although she felt guilty at the same time. These ironies stress the woman's longing for freedom. Lastly, Chopin uses the third omniscient view throughout the story. Why did Chopin use the omniscient view instead of the first person point of view? It makes me think Chopin wanted to express the woman's oppressed autonomy. I think it is better for Chopin to use the first point of view if the woman was autonomous. Since human was born, women has been weaker men. It is the
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