The Tragedy Of Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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The novel, “Of Mice and Men” is about the adversity of two men, a ‘wise’ George and a ‘dumb’ Lennie. Tragedy also strikes other characters throughout the story. Set in the Great Depression on a California ranch, the story depicts more than just the tragedy of Lennie but also the sadness and suffering of many individuals in a harsh world. Lennie has a mental illness which is the obsession of wanting to stroke soft things. Lennie is also a gigantic man who is unaware of his enormous strength and when under pressure, panics and often grasps onto things. These two flaws lead to his suffering and sadness. An example of this is when he crushes Curley’s hand out of self-defence: ‘Suddenly Lennie let go of his hold. He crouched cowering against the wall. “You told me to George,” he said miserably.’ This extract suggests that Lennie would have slid down the wall and started crying which shows his sadness and suffering because of his enormous strength and his panicking. When he kills Curley’s wife, it is caused by his obsession to stroke soft things and also because of his strength. Curley’s wife is partly to blame as she leads Lennie on: “Here feel right here.…show more content…
Others also face sadness and suffering throughout the story. Sadness and suffering are prevalent in the novel because life during the 1930s was harsh. Loneliness is what caused a lot of widespread pain in the characters. Anger and revenge cause the injuries and deaths in this novel. The ‘big picture’ is that many tragedies which cause sadness and suffering can be avoided if the vicious cycle of hatred, revenge and retaliation is stopped decisively. If this is done then two people would not have been killed, (Curley’s wife and Lennie). This novel is more than just about the tragedy of Lennie; it shows the sadness and suffering of many individuals in that period of time of the

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