The Yellow Wallpaper

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Metaphorical Meaning of the Yellow Wallpaper in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Short Story “The Yellow Wallpaper” The short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman portrays the central theme of women being restricted, more specifically women who are married and/or undergoing a mental illness. In the short story, there is a reoccurring symbol of wallpaper that commits “every artistic sin” and that the narrator seems to be focused on yet disgusted by. This wallpaper metaphorically represents the narrator’s state of mind through the detailed description of the pattern, color, and lines reflecting her constant confusion and her role as a wife and mother. The narrator’s vivid description of the patterns mirrors the thoughts flowing in her mind. The wallpaper’s tendency to go into knots and “pointless patterns” of lines with no ending imitates her mind; the wallpaper just like her thoughts is a loop that always moves in never-ending circles. She is constantly trying to understand the inner reality of her life since there is a broken connection between what her beliefs and actions. She physically accepts the demeaning relationship with her husband however she secretly rebels his demands because she knows it is good for her like writing in her journal. Also, she passionately desires to see and take care of her baby but she does not reject being taken away to a different location. The color of the wallpaper reflects her sickness. While the narrator becomes ill, the wallpaper with flamboyant patterns has a “repulsive, atrocious” yellow color that represents disease. A woman’s anxiety was seen an illness back then and to cure it, she was to be taken away to rest, just rest. The narrator in the story developed depression and nervousness from delivering her baby, and similarly the patterns and the color of the wallpaper signify the illness of angst and fear. Since the

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