Theme Of Carelessness In The Great Gatsby

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Wealth spurs carelessness On March 14th 2009 Mario Reyes was killed by a former NFL player, Donte Stallworth. Unfortunately, Donte Stallworth did not properly pay for his crime. In the end Donte only spent 30 days in a local jail, because he had the money to create a "confidential financial agreement" with Reyes' family. Fitzgerald tackles this controversial issue through his novel The Great Gatsby. This novel is no different multiple issues occur as Jay Gatsby tries to rekindle the relationship of a lost love, Daisy Buchanan, many immoral events occur involving other characters such as Nick Carraway,Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, and Jordan Baker. Many characters become extremely careless once gaining wealth, because they think they are able to do whatever they want due to the idea that with wealth comes protection. Through various literary elements Fitzgerald suggests that people aspire for wealth in order to gain protection, when in the end this sense of…show more content…
FItzgerald states through this novel that people will aspire for wealth, but often these people lose sight of who they are. These people want this wealth in order to gain protection from the world around them. They perceive this idea that with this wealth then there is no action that requires consequences, for the money will protect them. Fitzgerald ties this together to show that if one relies on this protection, then they will become very careless. After they have lost sight of who they are they will go to extremes and participate in any task as long as they know that they have money by their side to protect them. Fitzgerald displays to his reader that one should not rely on money, and this causes corruption, as seen in Donte Stallworth's case, he never really did pay for his acting due to his money and yet he is still accepted in

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