Theme Of Disability In Of Mice And Men

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Several characters in of mice and men display some form of a disability. Whether it’s a physical or mental disability it is presented more than once throughout this story. In my opinion this is the main theme in this novel. The importance of this theme is huge. Disabilities affect the lives of three of the characters. Lennie, the main character has a mental disability that affects his life majorly. Crooks and Candy both have a physical disability that affects their ability to work. People used to , and still do think that disabled people are useless, and a waste of space. Truth is they are people too, although they may not be good at one thing they can be amazing at another. For example in this novel Lennie possessed a mental disability that…show more content…
He worries his age will make his useless on the farm. When he hears of George and Lennie’s plan to buy a piece of land he offers his life’s savings if he can join George and Lennie in owning the land. Candy knows he won’t be around much longer, and he just wants to make sure he is safe, and well taken care of. In the book Candy says “a guy needs someone to be near him, a guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, as longs as he’s with you I tell ya. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick.” I think he’s just tired of being lonely, everyone needs someone to talk to, someone to help them through tough times. I couldn’t imagine life without my family or friends, I cant imagine how he…show more content…
His disability may affect his speech, memory, and knowledge on certain things, but Lennie is still an excellent worker. In the beginning of the book, on Lennie and George’s first day on the ranch Lennie almost costs them a job. Lennie accidently speaks while they first meet the boss. The boss thinks Lennie won’t be a good worker, but George tells him “I ain’t saying he’s bright, he ain’t. But I say he’s a god damn good worker. ”. Lennie was a very good worker, he was much stronger and determined then all the other men on the ranch. His love of petting soft things, such as small animals, dresses, and people’s hair, leads to disaster. He is a child on the inside of a big man’s body. He is very strong and powerful but he doesn’t realise it. He doesn’t to hurt anybody. He gets frightened easily, that’s all. He is not a monster. Although he can be dangerous he is a very gentle guy on the

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