Theme Of Maturity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Jacob Boersig Mrs.Finan English 29 November 2009 Maturity To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Tom Robinson was convicted guilty for rapping Mayella Ewell. At the beginning of the book Scout and Jem are immature. As time goes on Both Jem and Scout start to mature. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee the author show that over time and greater understanding people become more mature. At the beginning of the book Scout and Jem show signs of immaturity. Scout is immature when she beats up Walter Cunningham for no reason. “He didn’t have any lunch” (pg 13). When scout says he didn’t have any lunch was his excuse for beating up Walter Cunningham. Jem shows that he is immature by describing what he thought boo Radley looked like. “He
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