Three Men Quotes

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Three men at a bar one morning were drinking.They began to talk about this guy "death". At first they believe or seem to believe that they think death is an actual person. The three decide they will go out to find this death a kill him. On their journey they end up finding money under a tree. They send out one friend to get food and water while the other two wait with the treasure.Towards the end they kill each other for the money. So no one ended with the money, they all died for the greed of money. "If one could only get the gold away, Back to my house, or else to yours, perhaps For as you know, the gold is ours, chaps- We'd all be at the top of fortune, hey? But certainly it can't be done by day."(206-210) This quote is important to the story because it shows that they starting to get greedy. The quote shows that the guys are wanting money and are planing to steal some. It also shows that the men are willing to share the money with each-other. The quote also tells that the men are planning to take the money at night so no one sees them. It is important to the story because it shows what they want. Also the quote shows that they are close with each-other in the beginning. But also shows that they are willing to do anything…show more content…
It also is important because it shows that greed is taking over there minds. It also shows how quickly they are willing to bail on each other for money. The quote also shows that their planning is starting to get greedy by wanting to leave one out so theres more for themselves. The quote is also important because it shows foreshadowing that maybe there will be a bigger argument about the money. It also shows how little the men acutely care for each other when there is money involved. The quote also shows that they know the other man is smart and will figure out what happened. But it also doesn't change the mens mind about the

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