Three Methods Of Performing Background Checks

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Connie Bashford Ken Malveaux English Composition I March 18, 2013 Regulation of Guns The debate over gun control has once again become a heated debate. When we hear about a mass shooting, gun control is put in the forefront of the American public. President Obama recently introduced a bill to ban assault weapons, outlaw gun magazines holding more than ten rounds and requiring detailed background checks on any gun purchased. An effective approach in gun control would be to enhance our background checks by mandating states participate in reporting to the FBI individuals convicted of domestic violence or those forcefully admitted to mental health institutions. The Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence outlines that background checks are…show more content…
“The FFLs (Federal Firearms Licensees) have the following three methods of performing background checks depending upon the state in which the FFL is conducting business: 1. In states where the state government has agreed to serve as the POC for the system, the FFLs contact the NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check) through the state POC for all firearm transfers. The state POC conducts the NICS check and determines whether or not the transfer would violate state or federal law. 2. In states where the state government has declined to serve as a POC, the FFLs initiate a NICS background check by contacting the NICS Call Centers for all firearm transfers. The FBI conducts the NICS check and determines whether or not the transfer would violate state or federal law. 3. Finally, in states where the state government has agreed to serve as a POC for handgun purchases but not for long gun purchases, the FFLs contact the NICS through the designated state POC for handgun transfers and the NICS Section for long gun…show more content…
Since 2008 Arizona cut 65 million from budget for mental health services. Had they not, would Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter, been able to receive mental health assistance and listed on the FBI data base as a potential threat to society? In 2009 Emily Friedman of ABC news reported that Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech Shooter, had seen or talked to the VT school counselor numerous times, been admitted into a physic ward in 2005. He was not listed on any data base to prevent him from purchasing guns in Wisconsin and in Virginia at a local pawn shop. These guns were used in the worse school massacres in the United States

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