Toll Brothers Essay

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Toll Brothers Inc., the nation’s largest luxury home builder, benefited from the housing bubble that collapsed in 2007. Now, because of an expanded tax break in the proposed federal budget, the nation’s 13 largest builders, including Toll Brothers, could collect billions of dollars more by offsetting recent tax losses with taxable profits earned in previous years.[1] Toll Brothers and other big home builders stand to collect $2.4 billion in tax refunds this year under existing law.[2] The company has not treated its shareholders as kindly. For starters, the term “pay for performance” takes on a whole new meaning at the Horsham, Pa.-based company, whose stock plummeted more than 70 percent from its all-time high of $58.25 in July 2005 to $17 on March 20, 2009. As the housing market cratered in 2007 and it became clear that Robert Toll, the founding chairman and chief executive officer, would not qualify for a bonus under the existing plan, the company decided to move the performance goal posts. Further, because of the steep drop in the company’s stock price, the home builder repriced “underwater” stock options in 2008. Toll Brothers’s executive pay program includes other provisions not in the best interests of shareholders, such as a “golden coffin” for Toll, that let stock options continue to vest on their normal vesting schedule even after his death. Restricted stock awards also would fully vest immediately upon his death. The company’s pay practices earned the company a failing grade from The Corporate Library, an independent corporate governance research firm.[3] The compensation awarded to Toll rated a “High Concern” from The Corporate Library.[4] Even as the company lost $297.8 million for the fiscal year ended Oct. 31, 2008, Toll received $8.8 million in total compensation for the year. That’s twice as much as the $4.6 million median compensation for
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