Traits in Romeo and Juliet

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There are some people that are quick to react and don’t think through everything. How about someone so impulsive he almost kills himself just because he had to leave town? Then they were depressed and thought they could never love again because a girl he liked won’t get married to anyone. Then he end he buys poison and plans to kill himself because he thought his wife was dead. That is how impulsive Romeo is in the in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Romeo impulsive from the start of the book. In act 1 scene 1-4 Romeo is depressed because Rosaline, the girl he likes, has vowed never to be in love and get married. Then he gets really depressed and thinks she is the only girl he will ever love. When his cousin Benvolio asks if he is “In love” Romeo says that he is “Out—“ “of love”(1.1, 170-173). Even though he is still very young. He claims he can’t love any one else. Then when Benvolio tells him to “forget to think of her”. He says “teach me how to forget to think” (1.1. 233-234). He is saying that all he ca1n think about is Rosaline. Romeo doesn't have to be so depressed. Just because of one girl at his age he probably isn't older than 20. Then he claims she is the only one and he is not even going to look for another. He is also not thinking about the future and how long he has to find another girl like Rosaline. This is very impulsive because she is only one girl he can't marry Even though he hasn’t considered the others that he can marry in Verona. Tybalt killed Mercutio in a duel then Romeo kills Tybalt. So he gets banishe`d and has to leave Verona. Then he says banishment is worse then death. When Romeo is talking to the friar about being exiled he claims that “exile be more terror in my eyes than death” (3.3, 14-15). He is saying that he would rather die than be banishe’d from Verona. Then he says “there is no world without

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