Understand Why Communication Is Important in the Work Setting

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1 – Understand why communication is important in the work setting 1.1- Identify different reasons why people communicate People communicate to express their needs, to share information and ideas, to build relationships, socialize, share experiences and to express feelings such as; • Anger • Fear • Pain • Happiness • Love • Worry 1.2- Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of my own work In my job I need to communicate with people all the time, firstly the person I am supporting but secondly the family and friends of the person I am supporting. I also have to communicate with my colleagues and other professionals. How I communicate is different depending on the person who I am communicating with and the purpose of it. Effective communication is important because it makes sure that the information is clear, accurate, non-judgemental and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made and ensuring an appropriate care service. It’s also important to work as a team with your colleagues, so that you all work to achieve the same outcome. 1.3- Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them Communication is a two way process, it’s about sending a message and knowing if the receiver has understood and processed the message properly. In order to be effective with providing care and support you need to learn to be a good communicator, people communicate through; speaking, body language, facial expressions, dress, position and gestures. You need to be able to recognise what is being used to communicate and be able to communicate back without always having to use words. If you look at a person’s facial expression you will see a lot of communication coming from the eyes. Notice whether the individual is looking at you or looking at the floor, lack of eye contact can
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